how to prectice tadasan in gardan Are you tired of the same old workout routines and looking for a fun, new way to stay active? Look no further than the practice of tadasan in your garden! Tadasan, also known as mountain pose, is a simple yet powerful yoga posture that can provide numerous physical and mental benefits. Not only does it improve posture and balance, but it also helps reduce stress and promote relaxation. In this blog post, we'll explore how to properly practice tadasan in your garden so you can enjoy all its wonderful benefits while enjoying the beauty of nature around you. So let's get started! tadasan play in day Tadasan is an excellent yoga pose that can be practiced at any time of the day, but practicing it in your garden during the day can provide unique benefits. As you stand tall with your feet rooted to the ground, you can become more aware of nature around you. You may notice birds chirping or leaves rustling in the wind. Practicing tadasan during t...

हम और आप सब आसन से सिर्फ यह समजते है की आसन यानी बैठना, लेकिन पतंजलि के योगा अस्टक नियम की माने तो आसन यानी बैठने की वह मुद्रा जिससे शरीर को आराम मिले
आसन वैसे तो कहीं प्रकार के होते है कुछ निम्न लिखित है
1 अधो मख़
2 दंडासन
3 सिर्सासन
8 धनुरासन