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Sone Ka shi samye

  • Sone Ka shi samye 

Namaskar doston
Aaj mai aapko sone se related thody si jankari degu  , aapko sabhi ko pata he hamari subki jivan kitana vayath he, aap  sahi ko pta he sona hamri body ke liye kitana important he,jaisa ki hum sun jante he ki hume roj 6-8 hours sona chahi ,and hume din me bhi rest karna chahiye
Hame raat ko lag bag 10 -11ke bich me so jana chahiye isse hamari body kisi tarah ka aalsh nhi aata our hum din bar active rahate he and hume din me bi 15-20mintus ki jhapki leni chahiye
Sath hume subah uthkar yoga karna chahiye


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